The fish needs water


Nature is the ultimate teacher. While talking with my host on a small town near Lake Toba i stumbled upon a small concrete pool where he was growing some fish. The water on it was so shallow that most of them were almost dead, laying flat trying to breathe one last time.

Found a big bucket and poured water into the pool five times, the fishes were free again. They just needed some water, to move, to be. One day they're gonna be eaten, but until then they're gonna live a happier or less miserable existence, all the beings on the planet have to accept their fate, so we do. 

I think that most of our concerns and dilemmas come from this broken link with nature we have to cope with everyday. We're animals with fancy clothes, struggling to fit on all this man-made shiny stuff we don't know where to store. 

In this era of total relativism and "nobody knows what" is necessary to recover some absolute truths to keep us on track, some people resent religion so it might not be the most suitable solution in this reckless freedom seeker society. Let's go with another way then: the closest something is to nature (or to nature's ways) the better or more acceptable it is; the further the less acceptable.

If we could switch a bit our minds towards this super simple idea our lives would be much much better, I guess you know that, we're kind of on the same page. But you know, not everyone is conscious of the by-products of this happy plastic bag we live in. 

The fish needs water, we need time to float in, to breathe, to be with our loved ones. Otherwise this life is not worth living.

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